Torah Scroll_frmed
Shalom Segula (Treasured Possssion)

Where is the time going? Every day that passes is one day closer to the Messiah’s return. Oh what a day that will be!!! It truly will be the “Great and Terrible Day of the Lord”.

Thus all the more reason that we must tell the nations the truth of both the Living Torah (Yeshua) and the Written Torah. There is much going on in the body of the Messiah to get us prepared as His bride. As we endeavor to walk in the manner that Yeshua walked, may our lives be a source of encouragement to those that we come in contact with. We need one another so much more as we see the day approaching.

While there is a great influx of people awakening to the truth, there are also those who are falling away…for these we must lift up in prayer in order that we can be a part of the restoration of ALL things. May we stay the course and steady the ship.

Oswald Chambers said in “My Utmost for His Highest “Moses endured, not because he had an ideal of right and duty, but because he had a vision of Elohim. He endured, as seeing Him Who is invisible.” We agree, Moses experienced or saw the true King of the universe and was committed to Him, not a cause.

We love each and every one of you and look forward to the day that we’re all together with our Messiah in JERUSALEM!!!!

Attached is the February Torah Calendar and the Read Through the Bible in a Year Torah Calendar. As we read this month may our “eyes be opened that we may behold wonderful things in His Torah”!!! Psalm 199:18


Shevat 5785

(February Torah Portions 2025)
(February Read Through The Bible In A Year Calendar Link 2025)


Praise His Name!!

We love you with our whole hearts!!

Shalom & Blessings, Pastor Mark & Tammy McLendon